Irresponsible woman?! Date a woman who’d be a role model for your kids!

When you’re dating a woman and there’s trouble on the horizon, make sure that you consciously choose if she’s right for you. Always ask yourselfwhat type of woman do you want to date! A simple litmus test to perform is to ask yourself the following question: Would this woman be a role model for your future…

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Hallo, ich bin Andy Graziosi. Ich helfe Männern ihr Selbstvertrauen zu entfalten und ihr volles Potenzial auszuschöpfen. Meine wissenschaftlich fundierte Philosophie lautet: „Der König ist bereits ein Gewinner.“ — Erstaunliche Frauen fühlen sich bereits zu dir hingezogen. Alles, was ein König tun muss, ist diese Anziehungskraft zu seinem Vorteil zu nutzen.

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Is she USING me?! Is my Ex Girlfriend TESTING me or a Covert NARCISSIST?

Is she USING me?! Is my Ex Girlfriend TESTING me or a Covert NARCISSIST?

Maybe she wants you back. Or maybe she’s something that’s called a covert narcissist. If you don’t know what covert means, covert means essentially secret. So is your ex secretly a narcissist, and she is only using you for attention and for convenience, and it’s just nice to have you around? Or does she really…

No Contact to FORGET Her: How to get over an ex after she CHEATED on me?

No Contact to FORGET Her: How to get over an ex after she CHEATED on me?

In this dating advice, we’re gonna talk about the no-contact rule and actually the origins of the no contact rule. Most of you probably know it from well, trying to get an ex back. Don’t talk to your ex for a certain limit of time and then she’s going to reach out to you…

Massive Relationship RED FLAGS: SILENT TREATMENT From a Girl

Massive Relationship RED FLAGS: SILENT TREATMENT From a Girl

In this video we’re gonna talk about the silent treatment and forms of abuse in relationships. I’m sure a lot of you guys have dealt with the problem in the past, that one of your girlfriends, ex-girlfriends, wives, whatever, she is kind of mad and she won’t tell you what is going on. So they…

TOXIC Nice Guy Syndrome: Why you SHOULD FIGHT in your Marriage

TOXIC Nice Guy Syndrome: Why you SHOULD FIGHT in your Marriage

Now, this sounds very hyperbolic. You’re probably wondering what the hell is this?So this topic today is essentially about criticism. How to handle criticism with your woman. So most of you probably have dealt with this that either you are being critical with your woman or also very, very typical, typically more common the woman…

Signs of Beta Males: SUBMITTING to Obvious RED FLAGS in Women

Signs of Beta Males: SUBMITTING to Obvious RED FLAGS in Women

In this video, we’re gonna look at the situation of a man who’s incredibly submissive. He’s basically been walked all over by a woman, she doesn’t have a lot of attraction for him, it’s just not going the right way, they broke up a few times or I think maybe one time, and things are…

Are you STALKING your Ex after a Breakup & she Moved Out? DO THIS

Are you STALKING your Ex after a Breakup & she Moved Out? DO THIS

Ouch! This one is a very interesting topic. Obviously, as a man who has been married, so probably at least in his 30s, he didn’t say how old he is and he wants a girl back, but seems like nothing is working. He says: “Hello, I’m really hoping I can get some help…

Why Weak CODEPENDENT MEN end up Dating Women With ISSUES

Why Weak CODEPENDENT MEN end up Dating Women With ISSUES

In this video, we have a great topic from a young man. He’s 23 years old & and he’s dating a girl, and he’s realizing there are some problems with her and he’s seeing that that’s a pattern from his past relationship. And so he’s not sure what’s the next step…