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Hallo, ich bin Andy Graziosi. Ich helfe Männern ihr Selbstvertrauen zu entfalten und ihr volles Potenzial auszuschöpfen. Meine wissenschaftlich fundierte Philosophie lautet: „Der König ist bereits ein Gewinner.“ — Erstaunliche Frauen fühlen sich bereits zu dir hingezogen. Alles, was ein König tun muss, ist diese Anziehungskraft zu seinem Vorteil zu nutzen.

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BETA BUX! Nice Guys ALWAYS Finish Last & Date GOLD DIGGERS!

BETA BUX! Nice Guys ALWAYS Finish Last & Date GOLD DIGGERS!

Let’s talk about gold diggers, having boundaries, and having equality in relationships? I dislike feminism. I think a lot of the equality talk is non-sense. But of course, women always want to have equality. Well, then they gotta take the good & the bad parts. And if you’re dating a woman who’s kind of a gold digger…

Never settle for a woman leading you on! Toxic narcissism alert!

Never settle for a woman leading you on! Toxic narcissism alert!

Are you in love with a woman but you never know where you stand with her? That could be a woman you met on a dating app, or maybe it’s an ex of yours who’s back in the picture. Whatever your situation, if the woman you’re in love with can’t commit to investing time for you…

DON’T GET BACK with your TOXIC Ex! She Belongs to the STREETS!

DON’T GET BACK with your TOXIC Ex! She Belongs to the STREETS!

Let’s talk about what if an ex doesn’t treat you right. Should you actually get back with her? Also should you get in touch with her if something bad happens? Such as birthdays, occasions, or accidents. Or, if someone in your family dies. Your ex should be the woman you can turn to in bad moments…

Are you in love with a toxic woman who blames all the problems on you?

Are you in love with a toxic woman who blames all the problems on you?

If the woman you’re in a relationship with always blames all problems on you, then it’s time to evaluate if she’s toxic! Yes, on average, we men lack a lot of communication skills and it’s important you learn how to give a woman what she needs. But if she never takes accountability and always blames…

Avoid toxic women for your sanity! You deserve dating a high value woman!

Avoid toxic women for your sanity! You deserve dating a high value woman!

Do you have a friend who dates terrible women but he just won’t date better chicks, and all you can do is shake your head in disbelief? Of course, you’re so much smarter with your dating decisions! Or so you think! But then you still end up dating toxic women with all kinds of issues…

Is it a REBOUND or PRE-PLANNED? Do you REALLY Want her Back?!

Is it a REBOUND or PRE-PLANNED? Do you REALLY Want her Back?!

Let’s talk about rebounds and trying to figure out whether it’s really a rebound. Should you actually get back with your ex? Because sometimes your ex is really just moving on really fast, almost too fast and it’s kind of strange because typically after a breakup we can’t move on that fast. We have to grieve…

ACCUSED of CHEATING but Innocent?! Crazy Women you SHOULD AVOID!

ACCUSED of CHEATING but Innocent?! Crazy Women you SHOULD AVOID!

Have you ever had a woman who’s just batshit crazy and she’s just jealous or insecure, has certain issues always causing drama, whatever it is? Typically, when a woman is insecure, she does a lot of things that pile on and it’s not just jealousy and accusing you of cheating. Maybe she’s always causing fights…

My Ex KEEPS coming back and leaving? Face It: Your Ex is an Ex for a REASON!

My Ex KEEPS coming back and leaving? Face It: Your Ex is an Ex for a REASON!

Let’s talk about facing the truth that sometimes an ex is an ex for a reason and you should just move on. It’s really tough when an ex actually reaches out to you. Sometimes you’re doing no contact but you get mixed signals and she comes back here and there, sometimes she reaches out, she asks…

Why you should avoid women who get overly attached too quickly!

Why you should avoid women who get overly attached too quickly!

Have you ever dated a woman who’s batshit crazy?! You know, the type of woman who’s incredibly clingy and always jealous? You shouldn’t date this kind of woman! Why? Because a woman like this doesn’t date consciously. If a woman gets jealous and way too attached way too fast, then it means that she has…

Women who are DAMAGED GOODS — Leaving a TOXIC Woman

Women who are DAMAGED GOODS — Leaving a TOXIC Woman

Let’s talk about having the confidence to say no to a woman. To leave a woman behind who’s toxic. Who always gets upset. Who always gets jealous. Who always finds reasons why she wants to start a fight. It’s very difficult when you are with a woman like this who always causes fights. Maybe you’re…

What Happens when You Go No Contact with a NARCISSIST EX GF?

What Happens when You Go No Contact with a NARCISSIST EX GF?

Let’s talk about no contact in the context with a woman who’s toxic. More specifically, a woman who’s a narcissist. So if you want your ex back, of course, you’re very anxious. You think you’ve done a lot of things wrong and often you did a lot of things wrong. Everybody plays a part in the…

Girl Flakes but KEEPS Texting You?! Avoid this type of girl LIKE THE PEST

Girl Flakes but KEEPS Texting You?! Avoid this type of girl LIKE THE PEST

Let’s talk about flaky women. Toxic women. Women who are hot and cold. And the difficult part about this, of course, is trying to figure out is she toxic? Is she playing games? Or are her excuses why she’s not meeting up with you where she’s flaky, why she’s cold, are all of these excuses valid…

Avoiding toxic women & why you attract toxic relationships! Dating Advice For Men!

Avoiding toxic women & why you attract toxic relationships! Dating Advice For Men!

Are you always drawn to the same type of woman who’s abusive, jealous, insecure, a stonewaller, and so on? Do women not appreciate you enough? You may think you’re doomed to repeat the same unhappy relationships but realizing that you are in a repetitive pattern is the key to breaking free and embracing better relationships…

Getting BACK AT your ex? Becoming BITTER after a breakup is POINTLESS!

Getting BACK AT your ex? Becoming BITTER after a breakup is POINTLESS!

Today we’re gonna talk about dating the wrong kind of woman. So if you’ve ever dated a woman who hasn’t made you happy… Let’s say she has been a liar, a cheater, maybe she always got jealous, or perhaps she’s always complaining. Take a pick. There are so many things that could be wrong with…

When you’re OUTGROWING your (toxic) ex! Should I MOVE ON from my Ex?

When you’re OUTGROWING your (toxic) ex! Should I MOVE ON from my Ex?

In this video, we’re going to talk about breakups and what happens when you are outgrowing your ex. So sometimes what happens is that you have to be faced with the harsh truth that your ex is actually a rather horrible person. Obviously, breakups are always kind of difficult. Nothing is black and white…