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Availability Heuristic Psychology: Why You DON’T Beg Her To Stay!

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Do you know why your ex girlfriend broke up with you? Do you understand why she resents you? In this post I’m going talk about the structure of breakups and why no contact is so effective, because if you don’t do no contact, if you beg all the time, if you plead, if you message your ex very often, then you’re triggering something called the Availability Heuristic.

The Availability Heuristic explains why no contact works so well. As I said, the no contact rule is indeed great for reattracting an ex. So why is that? Well, for starters, once you go no contact, your ex is no longer constantly reminded of all the things that annoyed her. It may hurt to hear this, but right now, your ex is a hundred percent done with you and the end of your relationship was the time when she was the least happy with you. This is an incredibly important concept to understand.

Studies have found that most unhappy relationships follow the same breakup cycle. The way it works is that we lose interest in our partner, then we notice other people and act distant, and we may try to work things out without success, after which we become physically distant again, and eventually after trying to communicate our feelings multiple times, somewhere in the cycle, we will break up. I’ve designed this graphic in a cycle on purpose. It is a breakup cycle that often repeats multiple times until one partner can no longer stand the relationship.

First of all, this tells you that breaking up is hard and most couples are very indecisive about whether or not they should break up. That means even if you broke up and you think your ex hates you or doesn’t care about you, that’s very likely not the case. Living without you is not that easy. Ironically, the study that discovered this breakup cycle was called “Breaking up is relatively easy to do,” although they acknowledged how heavy breaking up weights on partners. it’s important to recognize that this is a repeating pattern because it triggers something called the Availability Heuristic. What the Availability Heuristic does to our brains is that we always remember what easily comes to mind and typically, the things that most easily come to mind, are those that are repeated to us more than once.

So for example, if you go on Instagram and see one reel of a hot woman after another, what kind of woman are you going to want to date? Obviously, hot women! That’s because your brain takes a shortcut and thinks there are only hot women in the world. In a similar way, right before your breakup, your ex felt that your relationship was the repetition of “This does not make me happy,” and in case of you making more mistakes like repeatedly begging, of course, she will most easily recall these bad repeated behaviors and emotions from your relationship.

This was a sample video from my PhoenEx 3-Step Blueprint, the ultimate guide to the no contact rule. Go get the program and re-attract your ex with a proven system based on breakup science.

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Get the ultimate science-based guide to the no contact rule. Massive YouTube promo inside!

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Hi, I’m Andy Graziosi. I help men unleash their confidence and reach their fullest potential. My science-backed philosophy is: “The king is already a winner.” — Amazing women are already attracted to you. All a king has to do is use this attraction to his advantage.

You can date your dream woman. I help you develop & maintain a strong masculine frame. This helps you overcome your dating insecurities & become a force to be reckoned with.

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